Monday 5 October 2015

P2: To create a Blog on ICT topic using

Practical Name: To create a Blog on ICT topic using
Tools/Software: Computer with Internet Connection and Browser like Mozilla, Chrome, etc.
Description/Theory: A Blog is a personal diary space of a user at a website to chronicle articles, ideas and opinions by posting short and frequently updated text and entries. A blog may include news, facts, digital media, links to other web articles and comments by visitors.
Blogs helps teachers to share educational information and can meet the diverse needs of all students in the classroom by posting tips, explanations and ideas. Students can create blogs on their favourite topics and take command over their own learning process.
1)         Start the Browsing Software like Mozilla or Chrome.
2)         Go to the free blogging website,
3)         Sign in with your Google email.ID and password, and click the Sign In button, else click the SIGN UP button to create a new Google Account.
4)         On the next page, choose profile, add people to your circles whom you want to follow, and add your photograph.
5)         On the Blogger Dashboard, click on the ‘New blog’ button.
6)         In the window that opens, choose a template, a title and URL for your blog.
7)         Click the ‘Create blog’ button.
8)         On the next page, you will see the title of your newly created blog with the message, “Your Blog has been created!’
9)         Then Start posting the content for your blog by clicking on the ‘Start posting’ link or the ‘Create new post’ button to compose. You can also add images, videos, links, etc.  in the post. Preview your post then save and publish it.
10)      Apply proper templates and background colour schemes for your blogs. Click the ‘View blog’ button to view it.

Result:  A blog on 'ICT in education' is created.