
SSC BOARD EXAM ICT Practical P9 - To find the mean, mode and meidan of the following raw data.

Practical Name: To find the mean, median and mode of the following raw data:
                             11, 25, 28, 37, 65, 47, 58, 59, 78, 14

Tools/Software: Computer with Geogebra Software installed.


1)          Start the Geogebra Software
2)         Creating the list:
In the input field of the Input bar, type list1 = {11, 25, 28, 37, 65, 47, 58, 59, 78, 14}
The Algebra view displays the list and its name list1
In the Spreadsheet View, type the raw data in the column A. Select the cells A1 to A10 by dragging the mouse. Right click and choose Create List from the right-click context menu. The Algebra View displays the list and its name list1.

3)         Finding mean, median and mode using the Input bar, type in the input field:
meanx = Mean[list1]
medianx = Median[list1]
4)         The Algebra view will shows the value of the mean, median and mode of the the raw data. Since no number in the raw data is repeated, the mode is shown as an empty list, modex={ }

Result: Calculated mean = 42.2, median = 42 and modex = { }

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